
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Conversation with Dennis Dunham: Leetonia’s Bear Care K-6 Summer Camp
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Best Practices in Closing the Pandemic Learning Gap Podcast Series
Dennis Dunham is the superintendent at Leetonia Exempted Village School district located in Leetonia, Columbiana County in Northeast Ohio and for the past 41 years, Dennis has served as a teacher, coach, principal, and superintendent.
Prior to his position at Leetonia, Dennis served as principal and superintendent at South Range Local Schools in Mahoning County and as a teacher, coach, and principal at Southern Local Schools in Columbiana County.
To deal with Leetonia's learning gap with their elementary students, Leetonia conducted the Bear Care K-6 Summer Camp this past summer for students entering grades kindergarten through six. It included fun summer activities on and off-campus with free breakfast and lunch plus transportation.
Dennis will take an opportunity to highlight this program and its effect on Leetonia's younger students. Leetonia's efforts in their Bear Care program will be the subject of our "deep dive" podcast.

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Your credit score—a three-digit number lenders use to help them decide how likely it is they'll be repaid on time if they grant you a credit card or loan—is an important factor in your financial life. The higher your scores, the more likely you are to qualify for loans and credit cards at the most favorable terms, which will save you money.
If your credit history is not where you want it to be, you're not alone. Ron Fraraccio, branch manager of Farmers National Bank in Alliance, Ohio, shares methods of improving your credit scores and getting back on track.

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
CURB EMOTIONAL SPENDING Ep. 2 with Elyssa Kirkham
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Sometimes it may seem like shopping has become America's favorite pastime. With advertising popping up everywhere—from TV to billboards to city buses— shopping seems to be everywhere. Elyssa Kirkham, a finance writer and founder of bravesaver.com, offers tips for identifying emotional spending habits, how to curb them, and ways to engage in healthy spending patterns.

Monday Jun 07, 2021
GETTING OUT OF DEBT Ep. 3 with David Weliver
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
David Weliver, the found of moneyunder30.com, a financial resource site, shares his story of transforming his life by getting out of debt while young.
David Weliver is the founder of Money Under 30. He's a cited authority on personal finance and the unique money issues he faced during his first two decades as an adult. He lives in Maine with his wife and two children.

Sunday Jun 06, 2021
INVESTING MADE EASY Ep. 4 with David Weliver
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
It’s not enough to save money for retirement; you need to invest to make that money grow. David Weliver, the found of moneyunder30.com, a financial resource site, shares practical tips for divining into investing on a budget.
David Weliver is the founder of Money Under 30. He's a cited authority on personal finance and the unique money issues he faced during his first two decades as an adult. He lives in Maine with his wife and two children.

Saturday Jun 05, 2021
YOUTH WORKFORCE Ep. 5 with Rick Taylor
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Employers who hire teens aren't expecting them to have a proven track record of success, years of work experience, or a long list of skills. All they usually care about can be summed up in two words: positive attitude. They want them to be willing to listen, able to learn, to be trustworthy, reliable, and punctual.
Rick Taylor, a past member of Junior Achievement, share insight to help teens entering the workforce demonstrate these qualities for success on the job and beyond.

Friday Jun 04, 2021
PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE Ep. 6 with Melinda Hill
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Being financially secure enough to enjoy your life in retirement is the last thing on the minds of those under 30. With the stress of all the expensive "firsts" that often come about during this period, like purchasing a car, buying a house and starting a family, it's hard to even think about saving for the future.
Melinda Hill, an OSU Extension Family & Consumer Sciences Educator, dishes on the necessity to begin planning for the future today.

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
BUDGETING 101 Ep. 7 with Chuck Ducey and Gary Schumacher
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
A budget is a plan for every dollar you have. It’s not magic, but it represents more financial freedom and a life with much less stress. Chuck Ducey and Gary Schumacher, members of United Way of Greater Stark County Financial Coaches, explain the importance, as well as methods of creating a budgeting.

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
MONEY TALKS Ep. 8 with Gary Sirak
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
It is possible to gain control of your financial situation, but first you must recognize where your money goes. Gary Sirak, a Financial Advisor and President of Sirak Financial Services in Canton, OH, shares the money tips outlined in his book, If Your Money Talked.

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
BITCOIN FOR BEGINNERS Ep. 9 with Christopher Cutter
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
For many of us, bitcoin and cryptocurrency still seem like a foreign idea. Christopher Cutter, Chief Operations Officer at Phoenix Enterprise Solutions, LLC, breaks cryptocurrency in a relatable way.